Learning HTML and CSS is the base of every Front end developer or a Full stack developer. There are a ton of lectures on HTML and CSS particularly, but all the resources are not well structured, and informative.
You will learn the skill only by practicing over a period of time. I decided to learn HTML and CSS when I was in my second year of my college. I watched many YouTube videos and referred to W3school content and when I try to implement what I learned by doing a project, I was not able to do that. I didn’t know what to do, I am back to where I have started. Then only I have come across the course that I am going to suggest for you in this article. That course taught HTML and CSS by building projects which is the best way to learn a skill.
Table of Contents
About the course
I was talking about The Creative HTML5 & CSS3 Course — Build Awesome Websites taught by Dev ED. This course is available both on Udemy and his personal website. I personally bought the course from Udemy (for ₹450). The course duration comes to around 13 hours and you will have full lifetime access to the content. You will also receive a Udemy certificate upon completion of the course.
Dev Ed is a very good instructor and I like his teaching style. He is very jovial, and expressive, and has a good amount of experience in the content he is teaching. He also runs a YouTube channel called developedbyed, which you can also check out. He will make some of the hard topics also very easily understandable. The flexbox and mobile responsiveness are my favorite topics in this course.
Course structure
The course curriculum is divided into 11 sections. First and the second section consist of HTML and CSS basics which come around 4 hours roughly.
Then he teaches mobile responsiveness, flexbox, and flex grid in the following modules before getting into projects.
Flexbox and mobile responsiveness are some of the main topics, that we use often in our day-to-day life as full-stack developers. So, I will suggest the learners spend some reasonable time in understanding these concepts more clearly.
We will build 3 awesome websites in this course. The projects are as follows
Learning by doing a real-world project is an important step in mastering a skill. These projects are not just simple projects, we use all the topics that we have learned from initial modules like mobile responsiveness, flex grid, and flexbox to implement these projects.
These projects are worth to be added in your resume. I have also given the project links, you can even check them out before enrolling in the course.
You also have a 30 days refund option in Udemy. If you didn’t like the course, then you can claim for refund.
Host your website for free
The instructor also taught about where to host the website for free which is awesome.
Netlify is the platform where we can host our project for free. The coolest thing about Netlify is we can deploy our projects easily. Netlify is available for free and you can host as many sites as you like.
You will also get a notification in the Netlify dashboard when users submit the forms on your website.