Taxi booking system zoho round 3

Call Taxi Booking Application in Java — Zoho Round 3 Problem

In the Zoho Round 3 coding challenge, one of the intriguing problems was to create a Call Taxi Booking Application. Here’s the exact question provided:


Design a call taxi booking application with the following constraints:

  1. There are 6 points (A, B, C, D, E, F) arranged linearly, and the distance between consecutive points is 15 km.
  2. The travel time between two consecutive points is 1 hour.
  3. All taxis start from point A.
  4. Minimum fare: Rs. 100 for the first 5 km. For every additional kilometer, Rs. 10 is charged.
  5. Allocate a free taxi that is closest to the customer. If two taxis are at the same distance, the one with lower earnings should be allotted.
  6. If no taxis are available, reject the booking.
  7. Display the earnings and booking details of each taxi after every booking.

This problem was an exciting mix of object-oriented programming and logical problem-solving. Here, I’ll walk you through the approach and solution.

Solution Approach

The application was designed with three core components:

  1. Taxi Class: Represents the state and functionality of each taxi.
  2. Booking Class: Represents individual booking details.
  3. TaxiBookingSystem Class: Manages the taxis and processes bookings.

1. Taxi Class

The Taxi class encapsulates details about the current state of a taxi, including its location, total earnings, and booking history.

import java.util.*;

class Taxi {
    int id;
    char currentPoint = 'A';
    int totalEarnings = 0;
    List<Booking> bookings = new ArrayList<>();

    public Taxi(int id) { = id;
    public boolean isAvailable(int requestTime) {
        if (bookings.isEmpty()) return true;
        Booking lastBooking = bookings.get(bookings.size() - 1);
        return lastBooking.dropTime <= requestTime;
    public int calculateEarnings(char from, char to) {
        int distance = Math.abs(to - from) * 15;
        return 100 + Math.max(0, (distance - 5) * 10);
    public void addBooking(Booking booking) {
        totalEarnings += booking.amount;
        currentPoint =;

2. Booking Class

The Booking class stores the details of a single booking, including pickup and drop locations, fare, and timings.

class Booking {
    int bookingId, customerId, pickupTime, dropTime, amount;
    char from, to;
    public Booking(int bookingId, int customerId, char from, char to, int pickupTime, int dropTime, int amount) {
        this.bookingId = bookingId;
        this.customerId = customerId;
        this.from = from; = to;
        this.pickupTime = pickupTime;
        this.dropTime = dropTime;
        this.amount = amount;

3. TaxiBookingSystem Class

The TaxiBookingSystem class integrates everything, handling booking requests and displaying taxi details.

public class TaxiBookingSystem {
    static List<Taxi> taxis = new ArrayList<>();
    static Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
    static int customerCounter = 1;
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.print("Enter number of taxis: ");
        int numTaxis = sc.nextInt();
        while (true) {
            System.out.println("\n1. Book Taxi\n2. Display Taxi Details\n3. Exit");
            System.out.print("Enter your choice: ");
            int choice = sc.nextInt();
            switch (choice) {
                case 1:
                case 2:
                case 3:
                    System.out.println("Invalid choice. Try again.");
    public static void initializeTaxis(int n) {
        for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
            taxis.add(new Taxi(i));
    public static void bookTaxi() {
        int customerId = customerCounter++;
        System.out.print("Enter Pickup Point (A-F): ");
        char pickup =;
        System.out.print("Enter Drop Point (A-F): ");
        char drop =;
        System.out.print("Enter Pickup Time (in hours): ");
        int pickupTime = sc.nextInt();
        Taxi selectedTaxi = null;
        int minDistance = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        for (Taxi taxi : taxis) {
            if (taxi.isAvailable(pickupTime)) {
                int distance = Math.abs(taxi.currentPoint - pickup);
                if (distance < minDistance ||
                    (distance == minDistance && taxi.totalEarnings < selectedTaxi.totalEarnings)) {
                    selectedTaxi = taxi;
                    minDistance = distance;
        if (selectedTaxi == null) {
            System.out.println("Booking rejected. No taxis available.");
        int dropTime = pickupTime + Math.abs(drop - pickup);
        int amount = selectedTaxi.calculateEarnings(pickup, drop);
        int bookingId = selectedTaxi.bookings.size() + 1;
        Booking booking = new Booking(bookingId, customerId, pickup, drop, pickupTime, dropTime, amount);
        System.out.println("Taxi-" + + " is allocated.");
    public static void displayTaxiDetails() {
        for (Taxi taxi : taxis) {
            System.out.println("Taxi-" + + " Total Earnings: Rs." + taxi.totalEarnings);
            System.out.printf("%-10s %-10s %-5s %-5s %-12s %-9s %-6s%n",
                    "BookingID", "CustomerID", "From", "To", "PickupTime", "DropTime", "Amount");
            for (Booking booking : taxi.bookings) {
                System.out.printf("%-10d %-10d %-5c %-5c %-12d %-9d %-6d%n",
                        booking.bookingId, booking.customerId, booking.from,,
                        booking.pickupTime, booking.dropTime, booking.amount);

Sample Input and Output

Input 1:
Customer ID: 1, Pickup: A, Drop: B, Pickup Time: 9
Output 1:
Taxi-1 is allocated.

Input 2:
Customer ID: 2, Pickup: B, Drop: D, Pickup Time: 9
Output 2:
Taxi-2 is allocated.


Taxi-1 Total Earnings: Rs.200
BookingID    CustomerID    From    To    PickupTime    DropTime    Amount
1            1             A       B     9             10          200


This implementation demonstrates effective use of object-oriented principles, logical reasoning, and resource allocation. By encapsulating details in separate classes, the solution remains modular and scalable, making it suitable for real-world applications.

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