Is leetcode enough for faang

Is Leetcode Blind 75 Enough for FAANG?

LeetCode is a popular online platform for coding practice that offers a variety of problems to solve. Blind 75 LeetCode problems refer to a curated list of 75 LeetCode problems that are considered essential for cracking technical interviews at top-tier tech companies.

These problems are considered to be challenging, and solving them requires a thorough understanding of data structures and algorithms.

In this article, we will delve into the significance of the Blind 75 LeetCode problems and discuss tips for solving them.

Importance of Blind 75 LeetCode Problems

Cracking a technical interview at a top-tier tech company requires high proficiency in data structures and algorithms. The Blind 75 LeetCode problems are considered to be the gold standard for interview preparation because they cover a wide range of topics and provide a rigorous test of a candidate’s coding abilities.

These problems are designed to be challenging, and solving them requires a deep understanding of core computer science concepts.

Solving Blind 75 LeetCode problems also helps candidates to develop problem-solving skills and improve their coding efficiency.

These problems are not just meant to be solved but also to be optimized for time and space complexity.

Hence, solving these problems can significantly enhance candidates’ coding abilities and make themproblem solvers.

Tips for Solving Blind 75 LeetCode Problems

  1. Focus on the basics: Before attempting the Blind 75 LeetCode problems, it is essential to have a thorough understanding of the basic data structures and algorithms. Candidates should be comfortable with arrays, linked lists, trees, graphs, and sorting and searching algorithms.
  2. Practice regularly: Practice makes perfect, and regular practice of Blind 75 LeetCode problems can help candidates to develop problem-solving skills and improve their coding efficiency. Consistent practice also helps candidates to identify their strengths and weaknesses and work on them accordingly.
  3. Analyze the problem statement: Analyzing the problem statement carefully is crucial for solving Blind 75 LeetCode problems. Candidates should take their time to understand the problem statement and requirements before jumping into the coding process.
  4. Choose the right data structure: Choosing the right data structure is critical for solving Blind 75 LeetCode problems efficiently. Candidates should carefully analyze the problem statement and choose the most suitable data structure to solve the problem.
  5. Optimize for time and space complexity: Blind 75 LeetCode problems are not just meant to be solved but are also optimized for time and space complexity. Candidates should be familiar with techniques such as dynamic programming, memoization, and greedy algorithms to optimize their solutions.
  6. Test and debug: Testing and debugging are critical steps in solving Blind 75 LeetCode problems. Candidates should thoroughly test their code for various inputs and edge cases and debug any errors that arise.

Blind 75 LeetCode Questions



Dynamic Programming



Linked List






Blind 75 LeetCode problems are essential to technical interview preparation, and solving them can significantly improve a candidate’s coding abilities. These problems are designed to be challenging, and solving them requires a deep understanding of data structures and algorithms.

By following the tips mentioned above and practicing regularly, candidates can develop problem-solving skills and improve their coding efficiency, ultimately enhancing their chances of cracking a technical interview at a top-tier tech company.

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