Is Blind 75 Enough for FAANG in 2024? My Personal Take on the Challenge

Introduction: Is Blind 75 Enough?

When I first embarked on the journey of acing coding interviews, I stumbled upon the Blind 75 list.

If you’re new to this, the Blind 75 questions are a curated set of LeetCode problems that many aspiring software engineers swear by.

But as we move into 2024, I can’t help but question: Is Blind 75 enough for FAANG interviews?

In this article, I’ll dive into the depths of the Blind 75 LeetCode strategy and share my personal experiences and insights.

By the end, you’ll have a clearer picture of whether this famous list alone will help you nail those high-stakes interviews at top tech companies.

Why Blind 75 Questions Became the Gold Standard

Blind 75 enough

So, what’s the deal with the Blind 75 questions? Why are they such a big deal in the coding interview world?

The Blind 75 list emerged as a comprehensive guide to essential data structures and algorithms problems.

It’s not just a random collection; these questions are handpicked to cover a broad spectrum of topics that frequently appear in FAANG interviews.

The idea is to get you familiar with patterns and problem-solving strategies that you’ll encounter in real interviews.

But here’s the catch: while the Blind 75 is a solid foundation, it’s not the be-all and end-all.

The landscape of coding interviews is always evolving, and what worked for someone a year ago might not be enough today.

That’s why it’s essential to assess whether this list is still sufficient for cracking FAANG interviews in 2024.

The Blind 75 LeetCode Strategy: A Personal Journey

Let me take you through my personal journey with the Blind 75 LeetCode strategy.

When I first started prepping, I devoted a significant amount of time to solving these questions.

I tackled them one by one, meticulously analyzing each problem and understanding the underlying concepts.

Here’s what I found: while the Blind 75 questions helped me build a strong foundation, there were instances where I felt unprepared for specific nuances in interview questions.

For instance, problems involving advanced data structures or unique problem-solving techniques weren’t always covered in the list.

This led me to explore additional resources and practice beyond the Blind 75.

Evaluating the Depth of Blind 75 for FAANG Interviews

Now, let’s get into the crux of the matter: Is Blind 75 enough for FAANG interviews in 2024?

In my opinion, while the Blind 75 is an excellent starting point, relying solely on it might leave you underprepared.

FAANG interviews are known for their depth and breadth, often including questions that test your understanding of concepts in various contexts.

The Blind 75 questions are great for practicing core algorithms and data structures, but they don’t always cover the full spectrum of problems you might face.

Here’s a breakdown of why you might need more:

  1. Complex Problem Variations: FAANG interviews sometimes present problems with variations that aren’t covered in the Blind 75.
  2. System Design: Beyond algorithms, you may also need to brush up on system design and scalability issues.
  3. Behavioral Questions: Don’t forget the importance of behavioral interviews, which aren’t covered by coding lists.

Supplementing Blind 75: Additional Resources You Might Need

If you’re feeling like the Blind 75 alone might not be enough, there are plenty of resources to supplement your prep:

  1. Advanced LeetCode Problems: Look for problems tagged as “hard” on LeetCode to push your limits.
  2. System Design Books and Courses: Books like “Designing Data-Intensive Applications” or courses on system design can be valuable.
  3. Mock Interviews: Platforms like Pramp or can provide you with realistic interview experiences.

Remember, the goal is to be well-rounded in your preparation. Using additional resources alongside the Blind 75 will help you cover any gaps and boost your confidence.

Real-Life Experiences: Stories from FAANG Candidates

Let’s hear from some of my friends and colleagues who’ve been through the gauntlet of FAANG interviews:

  • Rajesh, who landed a job at Google, shared that while the Blind 75 was useful, he had to go beyond it to tackle complex system design questions and real-world problem scenarios.
  • Sanjana, who interviewed at Amazon, mentioned that focusing solely on Blind 75 made her feel confident but not fully prepared for the breadth of topics covered in her interviews.

These stories underscore the importance of a comprehensive preparation strategy, beyond just the Blind 75.

Final Thoughts: Is Blind 75 Enough in 2024?

So, after all this, is Blind 75 enough for FAANG in 2024? My personal take is that while it’s a fantastic starting point and a valuable resource, it shouldn’t be your only focus.

The tech industry and interview patterns are dynamic, and being well-prepared means going beyond a single list.

Incorporate the Blind 75 into your study routine, but also explore additional resources, practice different problem types, and stay updated with current trends in tech interviews.

This approach will give you a well-rounded preparation and increase your chances of success.

Feel free to dive into more resources, and don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or need further guidance!

Check out my other articles below.

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